Modern Minimalist Oil Painting 2016-1 (15)
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Modern minimalist oil on canvas line painting by St. Louis based artist Shane Walters.
This small 36″ x 12″ oil on canvas painting features a colorless design of graphite angled lines.
This artwork was created using only the highest level of oil paints and professional grade canvases available.
The art should last more than a lifetime when handled, displayed and preserved correctly.
Oil Paint
36″ x 12″
Each painting is signed on the front by the artist. The back of each piece of art is also labeled and finger printed to ensure authenticity of the art.
Only UV resistant professional high grade pigment inks used on the artwork.
Only the highest level of professional grade canvases available for purchase were used on this artwork. This helps ensure the artwork is protected and prepared to last a lifetime.
Several layers of high gloss varnish have already been applied to this painting. The varnish layers protect the painting from UV light, dust and dirt. It helps the painting maintain it’s original color and allows for easy cleaning without damage to the painting under the varnish.
To clean your canvas product, use a clean dry cloth to remove any dust, do not use any abrasive materials or cleaning fluids as this may cause damage and discoloration to the oil paint.
The product has been designed for display in a dry covered environment. Items should not be left outdoors. Do not expose to water or very humid atmospheres. It is okay to hang the product in direct sunlight, however you may wish to avoid long periods of sunlight exposure.
Orders will ship within 1-5 days. US shipping can take up to 5 business days. If purchasing from outside the USA, you may be subject to local import taxes and duty fees.
I strongly believe in quality not quantity. I use nothing but the best products and materials in every aspect of my artwork. Most art you’ll find from other stores or artist’s are mass produced products using machines and the cheapest available supplies and paints. The costs on my end when producing each piece of art are significantly increased when going the high-quality artwork route. However, I’m only interested in offering you the highest quality of luxury art available, no matter the costs on my end.