Monogamy has taken a colossal leap off a cliff, taking the majority of us into dark cold waters along with it. It’s pointed me in a very dark, dangerous and direct path of dominating, submissive as well as the occasional angelic strangers, who are engaged by the tackle bate delivered. Sent not through water but instead through dating sites and various digital outlets. Delivered not from a boat via fishing rod but from the dark corners of the internet via my apple keyboard. Guys love to point the blame on females for failed opportunities at monogamy and vise-versa. What if it’s not the fault of either gender and instead just the times that have changed right under our feet?
Recently, I have done my best to avoid anything close to a monogamous relationship. Running from the fear of the sure devastation to both parties after sharing your most intimate thoughts. It’s led me down the yellow illuminated highways long after last call, hours from home, into neighboring states, chasing the unsustained and extremely brief rush received from meeting almost any girl for the first time. This same rush is just intensified by the fact this girl is unaware of my real name and myself knowing it’s highly feasible she went with the same plan of attack.
Soon after hello it’s likely one of us will be on our knees with a belt strapped around our necks or dancing horizontally on top of a dark red comforter. A belt not to be used for keeping our pants up but instead used as a leash to drag each other around a dark room leading to the sure removal of all clothing, pants included if this isn’t already the case as I walked through the back door threshold. The most extreme versions of daddy/daughter, schoolgirl, slave or any kind of roll play that sparked our interest in the heat of the moment.
Outfits, ice cubes, dildos, vibrators, whipping sticks, pastel sharpie markers, rope, scented lubes and my personal favorite her overuse of eye makeup. This only allows me to make her eyeliner run like a water hose down both cheek bones during an extreme face fuck. Her head hanging upside down over the edge of the bed as gravity goes into effect on her eye makeup. Touching, sucking and licking the most taboo of area’s reaching for that moment when one of us draws the line and says “That’s too far”. Hours spent exploring every inch of the human body and our darkest fantasies that might be too dark to share with someone we know from our personal life. All these tricks and toys used only to keep the night interesting and hopefully create a memory.
For years, I’ve held the philosophy that monogamy no longer exists and cant remember a point in time I thought otherwise. I recognize the temptation around nearly every corner of my daily travels. A romantic at heart I’ve never cheated or even broken off a relationship. I’ve always thought it was more important to have the ability to work through an issue then it was to match sexually, emotionally or mentally. I’m certainly no relationship expert but I’ve had my fair share of long lasting relationships that have ended in spectacular fashion. While I’ve always been a fan relationships it’s more because I selfishly just want to get close to someone, allowing me to bounce my most extreme thoughts off of them as opposed to the alternative of an overpaid therapist who is likely to be equally or more fucked up than myself.
The world is getting smaller. It’s much easier for people in a monogamous relationship to fall to temptation when their Facebook inbox constantly fills itself with possible suggestions for new companionship. Dating sites spend millions in advertising and these companies dont care if you join the site in or out of a relationship, in fact on a select few it’s even encouraged for married men and women to join. Their are millions of people who are bored with their own marriage selfishly looking to pull happy couples apart for a single one night stand in hopes they fulfill an urge they cant shake to try something new and it all starts with a simple harmless “Hello”.
In the past women stayed home and took care of the family while the men when to work providing the best they could from outside the white picket fences. We had far less options in the never ending search for compatibility. Today, we are looking at times when both sides of the partnership find themselves in offices surrounded by people disengaged from a failed marriage.
These aborted marriages have led to more fish in the sea for us all to gaze at without being blinded by shiny rocks held in place by silver or gold bands. Men buy these large sized rings because to the single side of the the population they are better known as electric fences informing us to keep out. The lack of a ring only gives us all more options when we walk out of our homes and into the gates of population weither you are handcuffed to the rules of a marriage or not. Temptation, even for the most loyal couples is always lurking an ugly dark cloud over our heads forcing ourselves to ask the question, “What could be?”
Author: Shane Walters